Friday, October 9, 2009

Need to change things

I have been really, really good since October 1, according to Spark People. My calories have been between 1200-1400 every single day. My fat has been under 60 g a day. Carbs under 200 g. a day. I have exercised 340 minutes this month, 150 of which was weight training. The only thing I haven't done perfectly is my protein intake- according to Sparkpeople, I should have at least 60 g a day, anI have been hovering between 40-55. And yet, I have gained almost a pound since Oct. 1. Fat percentage has gone up a teensy bit. I feel like my jeans are fitting a touch looser, but not enough to console me.

I'll admit I'm discouraged. I've been fighting off a major ice cream and chocolate craving for over a week. I'm down to one 12 oz. can of mountain dew a day, and want more, but my self control has won out every time. If I was seeing results, it'd be much easier to fight off the cravings.

I'm wondering if I need to eat more. Sparkpeople thinks I should eat between 1200-1550 a day. I've been more in the 1200 range. I'm seeing signs that I'm not eating enough. What are those signs? Well, that's TMI, even for me. I think maybe I'll try bumping the calories up to 1500. I also neeeeed to get more protein. My body feels beat up and worn out, and it seems like I take forever to recover. For example, I had a weight training session from **** on Tuesday. Here it is, 3 days later, and my hamstrings and triceps still really hurt.

I am considering trying some of those protein powders. I think I could make a half decent smoothie with some fruit, yogurt and some protein powder. Now I just need to decide, whey or soy, and which one is going to taste the least grody to me.


  1. I have found that the number of calories is AS important as how frequently I eat. I lose when i eat every 2.5-3 hours. I could eat the exact same thing from one day to the next but do not see any GOOD change on the scale if what I ate has not been spread out appropriately throughout the previous day. ALSO... I know that if you limit your SUGAR and processed carbs intake you will see a huge difference. Carbs are fantastic for you when they are the "right carbs" but if your 200 carbs a day are ALL from breads/pastas/rice... you may want to try substituting those carbs for fruits/veggies/nuts. (I have no idea what they are but assume at least 30 of them are from Mt. Dew!) Congrats on getting the Mt. Dew down to one a day. I promise that when you finally just say goodbye for good, you will see a huge difference!

  2. You will see results on the scale, I know you will. Try measuring yourself. I notice my thighs shrinking before major changes on the scale.
    Way to keep up though, you may not be losing but guarenteed if you give into temptations, that weight will pile on cause life isn't fair. Lol
