Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Coughing Lady at the Gym Part III

Dear Coughing Lady at the Gym,

I feel like I am getting to know you so well. I haven't been in a week, and you come jump on the treadmill right next to mine to welcome me back.

I really think that maybe you should see a doctor. I don't think it's normal to cough every 8 seconds every single time (I think?) you go to the gym, and keep it up consistently for a month or longer.

Thank you for getting there later than me so I was able to finish my run within 10 minutes of you arriving.

I am now on week 6 of my couch to 5k program. It's been tough to get past week 5 due to sick kids and sick me, but I'm finally there.

Hope you get over your cough. I really, sincerely mean that.




  1. LOL!! Glad you are feeling better!

  2. Too funny! Sounds like you have really stuck with the program - totally awesome!
