Sunday, June 12, 2011

Starvation Mode- Myth or Reality?

The first week of the competition went great for me. I was psyched that I actually saw progress, and it was really great progress for me. I decided to take it up a notch further- I worked out even harder and longer. I was very very careful to keep my calories to around 1150-1400 a day, but mostly around 1150-1200. According to MyFitnessPal, I should be having around 1200 calories a day to lose weight. If I exercise, it gave me more, but I noticed that if I exercise, it gave me more to burn. If I didn't use it, it predicted faster weight loss. Awesome.

I was devastated to watch my weight creep back up each day. I worked even harder. It continued to climb. I didn't cheat at all. It still climbed.

Friday night, I grumbled about it to my husband, who went on about starvation mode, and he thought that was my problem. He told me he thought I should be using every single calorie budgeted to me, even the extra exercise calories. Then bragged about he gets twice as many calories as me. Meany.
Yesterday, I didn't go totally crazy, but I'm sure I went over on my calories by several hundred. It was awesome. I did feel a little uncomfortably full at the end of the day.

This morning, I was down .8 from yesterday.

This whole "starvation mode" in a way makes sense, but it also doesn't. It seems like it should be a simple math equation- if I burn 1500 calories a day just by existing, and if I only eat 1100 calories, I should lose weight, right? I can also see the body learning to conserve calories as a survival technique, but even so, it should draw from the abundant fat stores, right?

Apparently not.

So, this week, I'm going to make sure that I don't go below 1200 calories on a non-exercise day, and eat half of the exercise calories earned. We'll see how this goes.


  1. Ah!! Good ol' starvation mode! Amazing how that works eh.. Here's the deal... if you don't give your body what it needs it will not let go of anything. In fact it will hold on to EVERYTHING!!
    I hate that the basic concept of calories in calories out is total bullshit. If only it were always that easy! :)
    I have also noticed that eating FREQUENTLY (even if you are eating less calories) seems to be a fantastic way to keep your body HAPPY and willing to let go!
    Keep on keeping on! ;)

  2. TOTALLY agree with Karilynn! My biggest problem is not eating enough. Feed your body!!! Especially if you're working harder. SHe's right too... a little bit every couple hours even if your calories are a little low will help your body keep from hittin starvation mode. it's when the signals are sent that it's not getting enough that it holds on to it all. Keep up the great work and i hope the weight keeps coming down!
