Saturday, October 1, 2011

Final Results

Well, my final results are in. I'm sure it's not enough to win this competition, or even enough to recoup my money. That's a bummer, as I could use the money. However, I did lose a little over 10 lbs, and from the looks of it, it primarily came from my stomach, which is excellent.

However, I was looking at my pictures, comparing June 1 with today, and I do see a big difference, particularly in the side view.

The last couple of months have seen me achieve some victories. I ran a 10k. I ran a mile in under 10 minutes, something I don't think I have done since high school, if ever. Yesterday, I put on my 13 year old daughter's size 28 skinny jeans and they fit (we won't talk about the muffin top, and how women my age/size shouldn't wear those pants in particular anyway though).

I had hoped to get to my goal weight by now, so I'm sad that I didn't. However, I am quite close to not being in the "overweight" category, and that's my next major milestone.