Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 1


Wow. That's all I can say.

I've been trying to lose weight pretty much ever since Z was born. I lost a little weight in the beginning, but it stalled. For the last few months, I felt like my calorie counting and gym workouts weren't doing much. This summer, I have been really busy with work (a very good thing), and the kids were out of school. It was nearly impossible to get to the gym, and I stopped paying attention to what I ate.

I have learned that the exercise and eating well WAS making a difference. I pretty much hadn't weighed myself since June, but could tell from clothes fit that I had gained weight. The sad part was that it turns out I'd gained nearly 10 lbs over the summer. YIKES.

I am now officially the heaviest I have ever been outside of pregnancy or recovering from pregnancy. In fact, I weigh what I did when I delivered my first two children. Ugh.

As depressing as it is, I will remember that this is my before.


  1. This IS the before... it will go down -- I have had a rough summer too... so thankful for a little competition to get my motivation up.

  2. you can do it Wendy!! After feels awesome!! :)
