Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Weigh In

This was kind of a difficult month for me. I decided to quit drinking all soda. Now, as a general rule, I don't love soda that much, however, I am a hard core mountain dew addict. Seriously hard core. However, I made a goal a few days into November that I wouldn't have any. And I succeeded! I'm very proud of myself. Part of me wants to continue the 'no soda' goal for the rest of December, but on the other hand, I hate the idea of making any food/drink completely taboo. What I may do is give myself permission to have one or two mountain dews in december. I think if I budget a soda a month, that is reasonable, and then it's not a forbidden fruit, so to speak. However, if past experience serves, I may get a mountain dew, only to find that it's too sweet. Hopefully this time, instead of continuing to drink that first bottle, wondering how I got addicted in the first place, I'll hand it back to my kids, and mourn the loss of my favorite vice.

I had been feeling very virtuous because I'd been working out constantly, gave up my soda, eating well, and then BLAM! Out of nowhere, a good five (!!!) pounds jumped on the scale. No idea how it happened, and it was extremely disheartening. However, since I was already in the throes of soda withdrawal, I just kept going. I got sick and wasn't able to exercise a week. Even now, I'm finding it difficult to run. Well, even more difficult than usual. It hurts my lungs. So, I'm trying to just do 5 min increments and not make myself worse.

This was my weight this morning:

I'm actually pleased with it, since I was in the 155s for a solid week this month. To lose 6 lbs (from that point) in a month is HUGE for me. Even from Nov. 1 to Dec. 1 is 2.8 lbs, which is not a bad number, given how slowly I tend to lose weight.

I am hoping to reach 145 or 144 by New Year's.


  1. 144 is definitely achievable.

    I am wondering what it is about the soda that most tempts you. Is it the sugar or the caffeine. When I quit caffeine the headaches were major. I know people who have felt withdraw symptoms when they gave up sugar too. How did you fair with no Mountain Dew?

  2. WOW!! Doesn't it feel amazing to be in the 140's? I love seeing new numbers like that. Congrats! I know that you work really hard.. and you've given up mountain dew. You keep it up and you will TOTALLY reach your goal by New Years!!

  3. Awesome job! You can't complain about a loss and you have had many small victories this month. Way to go and good luck in December!
