Friday, July 1, 2011

Month 1- Finished

Ok, I've gotta admit to mixed feelings on this. On one hand, HOLY COW!!!! I lost SIX POUNDS in one month. For me, that is huge. I've never lost that much in a month unless a hospital visit was involved. I was, and am, so proud of that loss. This is also the least I've weighed in a couple years, so I'm very excited about that as well.

On the other hand, part of me was a little disappointed that I wasn't in the top three. I never had any expectations to be first, or even second place. But I thought maybe I could squeeze in for third. Without seeing any other percentages than the top three, I will say that I was less than a pound from being in third place. That's pretty darn close. When I started this competition, I didn't really expect to ever place in the top three. Definitely not first place for any of the months. But, when I weighed in this morning and saw such a great number, I'll admit to being a bit hopeful that maybe a bronze was in my future. So, yeah. I am disappointed.

Maybe that is one of my problems- that I never really *expect* to have good weight loss results. I think positive thinking really does make a difference. My latest diet effort has been going since around Dec. 20. I've lost a total of 14 lbs since then. Six of those have been this month. I was stuck for most of April and May at one weight. I think I've finally pushed past that plateau and will start losing again. I wonder if maybe our bodies get comfortable at certain weights, and we have to really fight to get past them. I remember weighing 144-145 for a long time, and that's where I got stuck in April, then gained a couple lbs on vacation, and didn't lose them. I don't really remember weighing anywhere from 137-143 for any length of time, so I'm hoping maybe I'll drop through there pretty quickly.

I think making myself spread my calories through the day and eating most of my exercise calories has helped. I've definitely felt more satisfied and full and fulfilled.

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