Monday, October 19, 2009


There's a lot of so-called "diet experts" out there who claim that the chemistry of dieting is easy. All you have to do is take in less calories than you use, and Voila! The weight comes off. I think our bodies are much more complicated and sensitive than that, so it makes me really angry when they say that. I feel like by saying that, they imply that you are somehow cheating if you aren't losing weight. In fact, I think some of them come right out and say that.

Here's some simple math for them. In the last week, I consumed 10,542 calories. Through exercise, I burned 2377 calories. THIS WEBSITE says that my resting metabolic rate is 1342 calories a day. For the sake of argument, I'll assume I'm totally sedentary, which isn't true. That means just by living, and going about my day, I burn 1610 calories a day. According to my very conservative math, I burned 13647 calories in the last week. A pound is 3500 calories. My total deficit comes to about 3100 calories, so I should have lost almost a pound this last week. I didn't. This deficit has been pretty much the norm since I started this competition. I haven't lost any weight since our weigh in on Oct 1.

I think Karilynn may be on to something when she suggested I change how I'm consuming those 1200-1400 calories a day. I generally have been eating two large meals, a smaller meal, and a snack. I'm going to try and divide out my eating more evenly throughout the day. I've journaled through sparkpeople, and my calories, fat, and carbs are all within their recommended guidelines. I'm consistently falling short on protein though. So, I will also try to up my protein intake.

ETA: I never should have done the math. I realize now that if I behave perfectly- eat 1300 calories a day, exercise 5-7 hours a week, I will lose less than a pound a week. At least, according to the "It's Simple Math, Folks!" people. That sucks.


  1. I'm a friend of a girl in this competition, and I this is the first time I have wanted to comment on a post. I want you to know that the 'simple math' they all talk about is for the most part a load of crap. Your body is a machine, and it is a pretty darn smart one. If you give it what it needs (as in, eat close to what you are burning, no more, no less, and get enough protein to maintin and grow muscle mass), it WILL drop weight.

    Right now, I'm training to be a power lifter, so I'm 5'10" and weigh 260 lbs, and I'm currently eating 3200 hundred calories a day, and am burning between 3000 and 3400 calories per day. I have not dropped scale weight (because I'm working very hard at putting on muscle for power lifting), but i have gone down several percentage points in body fat (easily measured at your gym), and I have pants that are fitting that I couldnt wear a month or two ago! My stomach (where I carry all my extra weight) is getting smaller, I havent taken measurements but I can tell by my pants, and my shirts are fitting way looser, and I'm wearing shirts I havent worn in years! It seems crazy, but it really does work.

    you have the right idea, balance out your meals, and make sure you are getting protein at every one of your meals. It will come together for you. I also want you all to know how much I appreciate the motivation of reading about all of you in your journeys, know that you are helping many of us in our journeys, even if you dont know us!

    Best of luck

  2. Amen to Jen!!! I agree with her 100% I have a body bugg and they say all that "it's simple match crap too" but all that math has never worked for me. i actually lose the most when i eat with in 500 cals of my calorie burn. by the math theory i should loose only 1 lb per week but it NEVER works that way. So SCREW that math! eat healthy 5-6 times a day and keep up the good work! if you aren't seeing the scale dropping you should at least be seeing inch loss which is just as, if not more, important.

  3. Do what is best for you. Weight loss is not math but rather a sceince. Find the right formula and stick to it.

  4. Screw mathmetician! ;o) And honestly... spreading out those calories is going to make a difference. I have just started reading Tosca Reno's The Eat Clean Diet. I am loving it. It really is stripping your diet of processed foods and there is no math involved! ;o)

  5. I agree.. I think each person's body has it's own idea of "simple math".. It's just a matter of finding out what works for what bodies. Just keep at it and eventually you will figure out what works for you.

  6. I just want to say "amen" to your post! And want to wish you luck finding what will work for you. Hang in there - it takes a lot of dedication to keep it up when things don't seem to be working. Things will turn around for you.
